Sunday, April 15, 2012

Reading in the Rain

When it is raining outside cuddle on the couch with your children and read aloud.  These books include rain in the story-line.  If you know rain is forcasted borrow in advance from the public library.  We find these worth owning and keep them on the shelf in our family library.

Rabbits and Raindrops by Jim Arnosky

The Little Sailboat by Lois Lenski
(This can be a good time to recite poetry learned; we call this memory work. We photocopied the poem "My Ship and I" by Robert Louis Stevenson and glued it to the back cover to remind of this poem about a boy, his toy boat, and his daydreams. Here is a link to the poem

The Maggie B by Irene Haas
(This book includes Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem "Lullaby" also called "Sweet and Low". We photocopied the poem and glued to the back cover to remind us of the whole poem. Here is a link to the poem

Sea Story by Jill Barklem (Brambly Hedge series)

Enjoy your kids,